What are some examples of tone in sentences? George likes to eat pie, jump over bridges, sleep in on rainy days, and cuddle cats. During the long journey, the family play… Examples of long list in a sentence, how to use it. Therefore, authors use tone to create the type of mood that [quality – size – color] A wonderful old Italian clock. The thesis sentence … Learn more... To make a list into a sentence, you essentially need to add a subject and a verb to bring context to the list. (waiting, short) " Studying is on the top of my to-do list. Make list items parallel in phrasing. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. 60% – OFTEN Example: They often went to the beach in summer. Essays may need to encompass lists that could throw off the design, structure, and grammar of the piece. He is often wandering the streets. What Is An Article in English? To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. No. They add a lot to the dialog to set the tone of a conversation or express a character’s emotion. 6. In-sentence lists may include letters and numbers. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Feeling lonely and sad? 589 views Seeing the word in a sentence can provide more context and relevance. We have another list which contains some of the words used in this sentences of the first list. Other adverbs work well in the introductory position too. This method split a string into a list where each word is a list item. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/images\/thumb\/6\/65\/Make-a-List-Into-a-Sentence-Step-1.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-a-List-Into-a-Sentence-Step-1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/65\/Make-a-List-Into-a-Sentence-Step-1.jpg\/aid5533901-v4-728px-Make-a-List-Into-a-Sentence-Step-1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"

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\n<\/p><\/div>"}, https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/623/01/, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow, Alex is going to the grocery store to buy…. For example, you could write: Please buy the following ingredients: lettuce, tomatoes, and dressing. Is there a character or a person who is on your bucket list that you want to play? 5. If you have to choose between using a dash and using a colon before a short list, use a colon. Place a comma after the introductory phrase for example. In the example below, you will see what a difference word position can make in a https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2-expressing-your-opinion/, https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/, https://ieltsliz.com/post-your-ielts-test-results/, http://subscriptions.viddler.com/IELTSLizStore, https://ieltsliz.com/linking-words-for-writing/, http://www.ielts.org/researchers/common_european_framework.aspx, Answers to Reading Lesson – News we can trust, Answers to Plastic Straws Listening Practice, Listening Practice for IELTS: Plastic Straws, Improving IELTS Letter from Band 6 to Band 9. However, these opposite words don’t always have to appear side by side. A dash has much in common with a T-shirt; neither signals high style. A sentence is a set of words formed to express a thought or an idea. Students also often have problems with the collocation “give + example”. Most of the simple sentences cited in the list of examples are imperative, which is a kind of sentence that gives commands. list related items to help readers distinguish, follow, compare, and recall them--as this bulleted list does (Philip C. Kolin, Successful Writing at Work , 8th ed. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies. They are even commonly used in books and movies to make the characters seem a bit old fashioned. As you may have learned from school, an oxymoron is … I love that really big old green antique car that is always parked at the end of the street. 13. Combining these into one big sentence with semicolons is not recommended, because if you are putting an enumerated list into one sentence, you use the numbers in parentheses as in my first example. Examples of commonly used injections are: 1. Sentences. I don't see any problem in adding "and so on" after a list of things. Vertical lists help to underline How to use Homogeneous Structure in sentence See more » 1: Heterogeneous structure which also has the merit of homogeneous structure can be constructed conveniently by instruction extension 2: The first comprises types with a homogeneous structure of repeating elements; examples include Java arrays and classes implementing javautilList and javautilMap English language is the one of the most used languages in the world because of it’s rich grammar, rules and plethora of parts of speech classifications. Whether you want to learn the basics about them—like what they are—or you simply want to see some examples of them in sentences, all of that information can be found below. (endless, exhaustive) " We're on the waiting list for the class. 2. 3. Use a colon to introduce the list in the sentence and then use commas or semicolons to split the list up. At YourDictionary we try to give you all of the tools you need to really understand what the word means. This sentence indicates that any of these alternatives is okay. Look at the following 50 examples sentences of adverbs. [quality – size – age – color – qualifier] My sister has a beautiful big white bulldog. in the middle of a sentence, never at the beginning or end. In Python programming, a list is created by placing all the items (elements) inside a square bracket [ ], separated by commas.It can have any number of items and they may be of different types (integer, float, string etc. Here are examples: I can play quite a few musical instruments, for example, the flute, the guitar, and the piano. Clues e.g. No way! Hey! You can, of course, choose to use letters instead of numbers in all but the last situation. Holy guano! Notice that in most examples there is no separation of the clauses by a comma, which is the general rule in complex sentences starting with Examples of Determiners and Use in a Sentence In this lesson we will examine the Examples of Determiners and Use in a Sentence topic closely. 436 199 Maybe she has someone more suitable in mind. The words which are used as articles are the, an and a. Let’s take a look at some examples to clarify the meaning of an article. The manager briefly discussed the new assignment. Use a lead-in to introduce the list items and to indicate the meaning or purpose of the list (an… Use “etc.,” “including,” “such as,” or “and so on.” to show the list is not inclusive. Good grief! No one expects an exhaustive list after e.g., so the reader can assume that the economies of other countries in South America are also doing well - the sentence implies all South American countries. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Meet me at the mall later this evening. Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / By Admin. group of words where the meaning cannot be inferred simply by looking at the individual words For that reason, it is more common to put the comma before the “and” in a series than to leave it out. Bob nodded like a bobblehead. 8. Items in a series can be single words or phrases. Tone is a major manipulator of meaning. Wow! Please buy chicken, beef, or vegetable broth. Or it could be: George enjoys eating pie, jumping over bridges, sleeping in on rainy days, and cuddling cats. Contractions Words List with Example Sentences. 80% – USUALLY Example: I usually take the bus to school but sometimes I walk. Use lists to highlight or emphasize text or to enumerate sequential items. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " She made a long shopping list. The baby was gazing adoringly at chocolate cake. Utilize sentence examples utilize She will only utilize it for common good. 3. I can play quite a few musical instruments, e.g., the flute, the guitar, and the piano. 4. Although a simple sentence can be a single word, it can also be much longer. Determiners are words like “a, an, the, that, this, each, some, my, your and every” that come in … 7. Please buy the ice cream flavors vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, and mint. 10. If students are likely to want to write a list of examples, they might need some help with punctuation such as when to use a colon and the difference between commas and semi-colons in lists. The verb is the action. Therefore, it’s confusing to have a comma after it, as the reader may not be clear where that list ends and the bigger list begins. (complete, comprehensive, detailed, full) " He had an endless list of excuses. Use “an” with singular nouns that are countable and begin with a vowel sound. 202 103 People can come together and choose a form of government suitable to them. 1. For instance, in the example of the grocery list, maybe the list maker wants to tell Alex to buy salad ingredients but doesn’t need to specify exactly which ones: Buy the ingredients for salad, such as lettuce, tomatoes, and dressing. 1. Ah. There are four kinds of sentences according to structure, these are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. Sentence Examples Going to Japan for more than a tourist visit has been on my bucket list ever since I visited Japan in 2001 whilst on a jazz band trip. He is bold enough to face the enemy. This is called nested list. Well. 11. 5. She likes to eat pies like cherry, apple, and strawberry; to buy ice cream flavors like rocky road, vanilla, and cheesecake; and to make cookies like chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, and molasses. Use exactly the spacing, indentation, punctuation, and caps style shown in the following discussion and illustrations. At the bottom of this page, there’s a list of 10 common idioms and the meaning for each is included underneath. In this instance, and others like it, using semi-colons is more appropriate. 5. Oh. [size – shape – color] In this case, each one is an infinitive, built from the original “to.”. Alex is going to the grocery store to buy tomatoes, cucumbers, mangoes, mushrooms, ground beef, chicken broth, milk, eggs, and rock salt. The simplest approach provided by Python to convert the given list of Sentence into words with separate indices is to use split() method. Most of the people, while speaking or writing make use of contractions. Use dashes sparingly in a formal essay. Let’s begin with a simple grocery list. Sentences Sometimes to understand a word's meaning you need more than a definition. 9. You might insist that a Essays normally follow a strict structure, but every so often, some thing comes alongside to debris with that structure. A clause ending in a period or a semicolon comes before the introductory clause. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 17,425 times. He is generally late. This article has been viewed 17,425 times. The easiest way to make a list into a sentence is to add a subject and verb at the beginning. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. is short for Latin "exempli gratia" (for example); the former tends to be used for explaining things , the latter just for giving examples. The rest of the paragraph will explain the topic sentence and give examples and reasons to back up that assertion. down the road. to make a salad. Or it could be: George likes pie, bridges, long naps, and cats. In the most simple terms an article is a way of letting the listener or speaker know that a noun is either unspecific or specific. Examples of long list in a sentence, how to use it. Examples of Longer Simple Sentences. Say we have a list containing small sentences as its elements. Adding modifiers or multiple direct objects can extend the length of the sentence. Actually, it was how my friends celebrated my birthday. Interjections are usually found by themselves in their own sentences or at the beginning of a sentence followed by a comma. We want to find out if two words from the second list are These examples are all simple sentences, despite their length: The mangy, scrawny stray dog hurriedly gobbled down the grain-free, organic dog food. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Example: All eyes share common features --- optic nerves, retinas and pupils. 19 examples: He does not reveal what structures these may be, but he gives a long list of… These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web. A subject is a noun or pronoun, or a phrase or clause acting as a noun, that does the action. Remember that the structure should stay parallel. “Alex” is the subject, the person who is doing the action. The abbreviation “i.e.” should always appear after the first section of the sentence, in the middle, so it is grammatically correct. he likes super heroes” … I can play quite a few musical instruments, for instance, the flute, the guitar, and the piano. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Or: Buy ingredients for salad, including lettuce, tomatoes, and dressing. Although, there are no special guidelines, simply be coherent. Use a colon before the list if the text before it is a complete sentence. This article has been viewed 17,425 times. In the first paragraph of an essay, you will generally give examples first and then put the thesis sentence at the end of the paragraph. [opinion – age – origin] A big square blue box. 2. Suitable sentence examples suitable This would be suitable with you? Houghton Mifflin, 2007) - "The most important effect of any list is to create white space on the page, making for a relaxed visual environment in which information can be scanned and understood." We have alternative ways wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. 4. Alternatively, it could be: Buy lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, and so on to make a salad.

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how to list examples in a sentence

20 Sentence Examples Using Adverbial Phrases Now let’s see some example sentences which will help you in gaining a better understanding. In professional technical-writing contexts, you must use a specific style of lists, like the one presented here. (For a list of vowel examples, see below.) And the others are also interrogative ones, which is a kind of sentence that asks. When you list more than two items, you separate them as follows: Put a comma between all items, and put a comma + and before the last item.. Make sure that each item in the list reads grammatically with the lead-in. When you list two items, you can separate them with a conjunction.Remember that a conjunction is a word that joins two words, phrases, or sentences.. is short for Latin "id est" (that is)/ e.g. This concise guide gives you a detailed look at the list of 7 coordinating conjunctions denoted with the acronym FANBOYS and how they are used in a sentence with some examples. That is, “pies like cherry, apple, and strawberry” is its own list. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. By using our site, you agree to our. Here, we’ve changed every item in the list to nouns. It is very fine today. Or: Buy lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc. 8. ).Also, a list can even have another list as an item. 30% – OCCASIONALLY … Adverbs of Frequency LIST (+ Examples Sentences) Read More » In the first sentence, e.g. The term oxymoron is derived from the Greek words oxys and moroswhich means “sharp” and “dull” respectively. In this sentence, we used e.g. Because the items in the list have their own commas, they are actually separate lists all their own. We have been using contractions right from the beginning. 9. She never tells a lie. For example, the sentence, “I.e. For example/ For instance, bell peppers have a lot of vitamin C. Calcium is found in green leafy vegetables; for example, broccoli, kale, arugula, or spinach have over 160 mg. per serving. Also, remember to use commas between the items in the list, unless it would be confusing, in which case, you need to use semi-colons. Some examples of these are especially, particularly, most importantly, and above all. Believe it or not, there are other rules for using “a” vs. “an” correctly. This site uses cookies. You can, of course, choose to use letters instead of numbers in all but the last situation. indicates that the writer is listing examples of South American countries. An oxymoron (usually referred to as oxymorons or oxymora in its plural form) is a type of figure of speech in which a set of contradictory terms are put together to create a rhetorical effect. In the complex sentence examples shown below, the independent clause comes first. If you leave out the comma before the “and,” it makes it sound like you want a single flavor, chocolate and mint ice cream. 4. (long, short) " We need a complete list of all the people who are attending the event. Combining these into one big sentence with semicolons is not recommended, because if you are putting an enumerated list into one sentence, you use the numbers in parentheses as in my first example. In this article: List of Examples 100% – ALWAYS Example: I always arrive on time. Er. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. If you make a numbered list and need another list within it, use lowercase letters. Log in. to give some examples of the ice cream flavors that the first part of the sentence mentions, but we didn't list every flavor. Find sentence examples. 310 117 If I can somehow utilize this gift I can't do it without all your help. You make out this list: tomatoes cucumbers mangoes mushrooms ground beef chicken broth milk eggs rock salt 12. You can number items in the list by using parentheses without the “and” at the end. 19 examples: He does not reveal what structures these may be, but he gives a long list of… These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Mmmmmm. 7. 50% – SOMETIMES Example: I sometimes have cake after dinner. “Is going” is the verb, what Alex is doing. Let’s say you’re sending your sister to the store for groceries. Put "i.e. " Writing a list into a sentence is one way to include them with MLA essays. An expert weighs in on how to feel better. A An The In English grammar, there are two different types of article, the definite article and the indefinite article. % of people told us that this article helped them. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. He rented How someone says something entirely changes the situation. i.e. 2. Examples: That is an alligator. 1. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Indeed. Yes. 3. 6. Then you choose your next sentence, either an example or an opposite: “If the roads are not widened, traffic will slowly grind to a halt as traffic is no longer able to flow along the streets because they are too narrow.”. A sentence structure is composed of at least one subject, predicate, clause, phrase, and modifier. > What are some examples of tone in sentences? George likes to eat pie, jump over bridges, sleep in on rainy days, and cuddle cats. During the long journey, the family play… Examples of long list in a sentence, how to use it. Therefore, authors use tone to create the type of mood that [quality – size – color] A wonderful old Italian clock. The thesis sentence … Learn more... To make a list into a sentence, you essentially need to add a subject and a verb to bring context to the list. (waiting, short) " Studying is on the top of my to-do list. Make list items parallel in phrasing. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. 60% – OFTEN Example: They often went to the beach in summer. Essays may need to encompass lists that could throw off the design, structure, and grammar of the piece. He is often wandering the streets. What Is An Article in English? To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. No. They add a lot to the dialog to set the tone of a conversation or express a character’s emotion. 6. In-sentence lists may include letters and numbers. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Feeling lonely and sad? 589 views Seeing the word in a sentence can provide more context and relevance. We have another list which contains some of the words used in this sentences of the first list. Other adverbs work well in the introductory position too. This method split a string into a list where each word is a list item. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/images\/thumb\/6\/65\/Make-a-List-Into-a-Sentence-Step-1.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-a-List-Into-a-Sentence-Step-1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/65\/Make-a-List-Into-a-Sentence-Step-1.jpg\/aid5533901-v4-728px-Make-a-List-Into-a-Sentence-Step-1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"

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\n<\/p><\/div>"}, https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/623/01/, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow, Alex is going to the grocery store to buy…. For example, you could write: Please buy the following ingredients: lettuce, tomatoes, and dressing. Is there a character or a person who is on your bucket list that you want to play? 5. If you have to choose between using a dash and using a colon before a short list, use a colon. Place a comma after the introductory phrase for example. In the example below, you will see what a difference word position can make in a https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2-expressing-your-opinion/, https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/, https://ieltsliz.com/post-your-ielts-test-results/, http://subscriptions.viddler.com/IELTSLizStore, https://ieltsliz.com/linking-words-for-writing/, http://www.ielts.org/researchers/common_european_framework.aspx, Answers to Reading Lesson – News we can trust, Answers to Plastic Straws Listening Practice, Listening Practice for IELTS: Plastic Straws, Improving IELTS Letter from Band 6 to Band 9. However, these opposite words don’t always have to appear side by side. A dash has much in common with a T-shirt; neither signals high style. A sentence is a set of words formed to express a thought or an idea. Students also often have problems with the collocation “give + example”. Most of the simple sentences cited in the list of examples are imperative, which is a kind of sentence that gives commands. list related items to help readers distinguish, follow, compare, and recall them--as this bulleted list does (Philip C. Kolin, Successful Writing at Work , 8th ed. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies. They are even commonly used in books and movies to make the characters seem a bit old fashioned. As you may have learned from school, an oxymoron is … I love that really big old green antique car that is always parked at the end of the street. 13. Combining these into one big sentence with semicolons is not recommended, because if you are putting an enumerated list into one sentence, you use the numbers in parentheses as in my first example. Examples of commonly used injections are: 1. Sentences. I don't see any problem in adding "and so on" after a list of things. Vertical lists help to underline How to use Homogeneous Structure in sentence See more » 1: Heterogeneous structure which also has the merit of homogeneous structure can be constructed conveniently by instruction extension 2: The first comprises types with a homogeneous structure of repeating elements; examples include Java arrays and classes implementing javautilList and javautilMap English language is the one of the most used languages in the world because of it’s rich grammar, rules and plethora of parts of speech classifications. Whether you want to learn the basics about them—like what they are—or you simply want to see some examples of them in sentences, all of that information can be found below. (endless, exhaustive) " We're on the waiting list for the class. 2. 3. Use a colon to introduce the list in the sentence and then use commas or semicolons to split the list up. At YourDictionary we try to give you all of the tools you need to really understand what the word means. This sentence indicates that any of these alternatives is okay. Look at the following 50 examples sentences of adverbs. [quality – size – age – color – qualifier] My sister has a beautiful big white bulldog. in the middle of a sentence, never at the beginning or end. In Python programming, a list is created by placing all the items (elements) inside a square bracket [ ], separated by commas.It can have any number of items and they may be of different types (integer, float, string etc. Here are examples: I can play quite a few musical instruments, for example, the flute, the guitar, and the piano. Clues e.g. No way! Hey! You can, of course, choose to use letters instead of numbers in all but the last situation. Holy guano! Notice that in most examples there is no separation of the clauses by a comma, which is the general rule in complex sentences starting with Examples of Determiners and Use in a Sentence In this lesson we will examine the Examples of Determiners and Use in a Sentence topic closely. 436 199 Maybe she has someone more suitable in mind. The words which are used as articles are the, an and a. Let’s take a look at some examples to clarify the meaning of an article. The manager briefly discussed the new assignment. Use a lead-in to introduce the list items and to indicate the meaning or purpose of the list (an… Use “etc.,” “including,” “such as,” or “and so on.” to show the list is not inclusive. Good grief! No one expects an exhaustive list after e.g., so the reader can assume that the economies of other countries in South America are also doing well - the sentence implies all South American countries. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Meet me at the mall later this evening. Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / By Admin. group of words where the meaning cannot be inferred simply by looking at the individual words For that reason, it is more common to put the comma before the “and” in a series than to leave it out. Bob nodded like a bobblehead. 8. Items in a series can be single words or phrases. Tone is a major manipulator of meaning. Wow! Please buy chicken, beef, or vegetable broth. Or it could be: George enjoys eating pie, jumping over bridges, sleeping in on rainy days, and cuddling cats. Contractions Words List with Example Sentences. 80% – USUALLY Example: I usually take the bus to school but sometimes I walk. Use lists to highlight or emphasize text or to enumerate sequential items. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " She made a long shopping list. The baby was gazing adoringly at chocolate cake. Utilize sentence examples utilize She will only utilize it for common good. 3. I can play quite a few musical instruments, e.g., the flute, the guitar, and the piano. 4. Although a simple sentence can be a single word, it can also be much longer. Determiners are words like “a, an, the, that, this, each, some, my, your and every” that come in … 7. Please buy the ice cream flavors vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, and mint. 10. If students are likely to want to write a list of examples, they might need some help with punctuation such as when to use a colon and the difference between commas and semi-colons in lists. The verb is the action. Therefore, it’s confusing to have a comma after it, as the reader may not be clear where that list ends and the bigger list begins. (complete, comprehensive, detailed, full) " He had an endless list of excuses. Use “an” with singular nouns that are countable and begin with a vowel sound. 202 103 People can come together and choose a form of government suitable to them. 1. For instance, in the example of the grocery list, maybe the list maker wants to tell Alex to buy salad ingredients but doesn’t need to specify exactly which ones: Buy the ingredients for salad, such as lettuce, tomatoes, and dressing. 1. Ah. There are four kinds of sentences according to structure, these are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. Sentence Examples Going to Japan for more than a tourist visit has been on my bucket list ever since I visited Japan in 2001 whilst on a jazz band trip. He is bold enough to face the enemy. This is called nested list. Well. 11. 5. She likes to eat pies like cherry, apple, and strawberry; to buy ice cream flavors like rocky road, vanilla, and cheesecake; and to make cookies like chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, and molasses. Use exactly the spacing, indentation, punctuation, and caps style shown in the following discussion and illustrations. At the bottom of this page, there’s a list of 10 common idioms and the meaning for each is included underneath. In this instance, and others like it, using semi-colons is more appropriate. 5. Oh. [size – shape – color] In this case, each one is an infinitive, built from the original “to.”. Alex is going to the grocery store to buy tomatoes, cucumbers, mangoes, mushrooms, ground beef, chicken broth, milk, eggs, and rock salt. The simplest approach provided by Python to convert the given list of Sentence into words with separate indices is to use split() method. Most of the people, while speaking or writing make use of contractions. Use dashes sparingly in a formal essay. Let’s begin with a simple grocery list. Sentences Sometimes to understand a word's meaning you need more than a definition. 9. You might insist that a Essays normally follow a strict structure, but every so often, some thing comes alongside to debris with that structure. A clause ending in a period or a semicolon comes before the introductory clause. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 17,425 times. He is generally late. This article has been viewed 17,425 times. The easiest way to make a list into a sentence is to add a subject and verb at the beginning. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. is short for Latin "exempli gratia" (for example); the former tends to be used for explaining things , the latter just for giving examples. The rest of the paragraph will explain the topic sentence and give examples and reasons to back up that assertion. down the road. to make a salad. Or it could be: George likes pie, bridges, long naps, and cats. In the most simple terms an article is a way of letting the listener or speaker know that a noun is either unspecific or specific. Examples of long list in a sentence, how to use it. Examples of Longer Simple Sentences. Say we have a list containing small sentences as its elements. Adding modifiers or multiple direct objects can extend the length of the sentence. Actually, it was how my friends celebrated my birthday. Interjections are usually found by themselves in their own sentences or at the beginning of a sentence followed by a comma. We want to find out if two words from the second list are These examples are all simple sentences, despite their length: The mangy, scrawny stray dog hurriedly gobbled down the grain-free, organic dog food. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Example: All eyes share common features --- optic nerves, retinas and pupils. 19 examples: He does not reveal what structures these may be, but he gives a long list of… These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web. A subject is a noun or pronoun, or a phrase or clause acting as a noun, that does the action. Remember that the structure should stay parallel. “Alex” is the subject, the person who is doing the action. The abbreviation “i.e.” should always appear after the first section of the sentence, in the middle, so it is grammatically correct. he likes super heroes” … I can play quite a few musical instruments, for instance, the flute, the guitar, and the piano. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Or: Buy ingredients for salad, including lettuce, tomatoes, and dressing. Although, there are no special guidelines, simply be coherent. Use a colon before the list if the text before it is a complete sentence. This article has been viewed 17,425 times. In the first paragraph of an essay, you will generally give examples first and then put the thesis sentence at the end of the paragraph. [opinion – age – origin] A big square blue box. 2. Suitable sentence examples suitable This would be suitable with you? Houghton Mifflin, 2007) - "The most important effect of any list is to create white space on the page, making for a relaxed visual environment in which information can be scanned and understood." We have alternative ways wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. 4. Alternatively, it could be: Buy lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, and so on to make a salad.

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