Here is the HTML form: The syntax is as follows: document.myform.elements[i] //access the ith form element within the form Looping through elements allows for easy checks of empty values, names, element types and other properties and values specific to element types. Accessing elements by type in javascript. I need a way to determine the type of an HTML element in JavaScript. Viewed 142k times 56. This technique is applied most practically when performing form validation. form; console. It has the ID, but the element itself could be a <div>, a <form> field, a <fieldset>, etc. log (form); This return the following: 2. There are a few reasons why one might need to change the type of an input element dynamically: To have a password box initially display ‘type password here’, but convert to a password element once it takes the focus. – gdoron is supporting Monica Feb 29 '12 at 7:33 If HTML form element is provided, it automatically captures its fields.. The second form is almost identical to the first, with two key differences: the element has a different ID, output, and it does not include a ''Submit'' button, as it does not need one. Not a big deal, but a more careful distinction would have been in order here: "Type of an input element" differs massively from "Type of a variable" or "type of some other element on … The following example will loop through each element of the form, checking various properties and values. $("#elm")[0].type – arunes Feb 29 '12 at 7:21 @arunes. Active 2 years, 1 month ago. The elements object (array) allows you to access any element within a form generically, via a loop for example. However, it's best to start practicing with a handful of form elements, write some JavaScript code and expand your logic later. 8. The name attribute of a form field determines the way its value will be identified when the form is submitted. To make a hidden form field visible by converting it to a text element, or vice versa. A DOMString reflecting the value of the form's name … form > Now if we want to get the form element the #myInput belongs to we can do this: const input = document. Here, the element has three attributes: type, name and id.The id attribute uniquely identifies this particular element.. Accessing Form Elements using getElementById. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. The